Sanna Lehtinen — ­ A new Evironmental Engineer at Novox

Novox is happy to welcome and introduce Sanna Lehtinen, who just started working with us as Environmental Engineer.

Sanna is originally from Päijät-Häme and went to primary school in Lahti. During her school days, she worked in retail and spent her free time horseback riding. She also worked at the stables.

Already during upper secondary school, Sanna was interested in natural sciences – physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology were her strengths. It was only later that she developed a more extensive interest in the environmental field.

After secondary school, Sanna moved to Tampere to study Environmental Engineering. Her minor subjects were Industrial Economics and Chemistry. During the summers, she continued working in the retail, but she slowly moved towards a career in the environmental sector.

In summer 2022, Sanna started working for Tampere Water. She worked on a wide range of projects and topics, such as drafting design guidelines. Eventually, Sanna worked at the company until the end of 2023. The experience in the water sector provided a good foundation for the future.

After working for Tampere Water, Sanna started thinking about the next steps in her career. Her master’s thesis focuses on operating models for environmental observations. As graduation loomed, she decided to look for a job where she would be able to learn more about environmental issues.

Sanna researched various career options and openings and decided to apply for a position as an environmental engineer at Novox. She is very happy about the job, as she gets to apply the knowledge from her degree programme in Environmental and Energy Engineering in practice. Her minor subjects in industrial Economics and Chemistry complement her expertise and previous experience. At Novox, Sanna especially appreciates the small and open working environment, which makes it is easy to share your own views and learn from others.

At the moment, Sanna is finishing her master’s thesis alongside her work. Her thesis focusses on the development of companies’ environmental observations, operating models and principles. The aim of her thesis is to find out how the collection, processing and utilisation of environmental observations can be developed in companies. By developing the quality of observation processes, the quality of observations is also improved. As a result, companies’ awareness of the environmental risks and adverse effects of their operations increases, which makes it possible to better reduce the environmental risks and effects of their operations. 

Companies that can identify and manage their environmental impact are more competitive thanks to potential financial benefits and a better reputation. With the help of research, companies can better identify the environmental impacts of their operations and thus also better meet the requirements set by legislation.

Sanna just moved to Helsinki, after living in Tampere for six years. She enjoys the bustle of the capital region. In her spare time, Sanna enjoys jogging with her four-year-old Stabyhoun dog called Nemo. She also plays golf and padel and she likes to cook and try new recipes. One of her “happy places” is the family cottage in Heinola.

Sanna’s development path is a great example of how diverse skills and courage to seek new challenges can lead to a developing career already at a young age. Environmental issues are close to her heart, and she wants to contribute to companies operating in a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way.


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